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S01E05 5


████    重点词汇
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████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

Most women that shop a lot, it's because they don't have anything better to do.
- What's your point? - Well, if you had children...

- Here we go. - Children give your life a purpose.

You're so busy taking care of them

you don't have time to wonder if you're happy.

You know, this is so like you.

I invite you on a nice shopping trip and you find ways to upset me.

You didn't invite me. I invited myself.

You keep looking at your watch. ls there some place you have to be?

No! And I am not one of those women who has a hole in her heart

that can only be filled by a baby.

I like my life a lot. It's very fulfilling.

Excuse my daughter-in-law. She's very fulfilled.

- So he just blew you off? - I told him another man asked me out.

It was a pertect opportunity for Mike to be jealous, and nothing.

It doesn't work if you don't bat your eyes.

I batted everything that wasn't nailed down. Nothing.

- Thanks. - So what's going on there?

- Gophers. - Wow.

I'm sorry about Mike. I know you like him.

Maybe it's my fault. Maybe I just imagined an entire relationship

with this man that didn't exist.

There has been flirting.

And the flirting made me think he was kind, trustworthy, honest and hygienic.

A guy just smiles at me three times and I'm picking out wedding china.

- I'm a mess. - But that's part of your charm.

That's what happened with Karl.

I only dated him a couple of months. It was a disaster.

You think Mike is a Karl in disguise?

I don't know. What does that mean, anyway?''My life is complicated.''

[whistle, shouting]

lf I wanted to sit around I could do it on the can.

You're late. What's with the face?

I screwed up. I broke into the Frome house and almost got caught.


I left something behind with my prints on it.

- Did you ever hear of gloves? - It's the suburbs.

I didn't think it'd matter.

Anyway, the police are running a check and I'm in the system.

I gotta pull up stakes before they come looking for me.

[kids laugh]

That's a sweet sound. Laughter like that, huh?

Pisses me off.

lf and when your cover is blown, you disappear.

Until then, you keep fixing the neighbors' pipes.

The longer I'm here, the more I think we're wrong.

- These are nice people. - My money says one of them isn't.

- Ho! - Thanks.

No more screw-ups.

I'm getting something to drink. Do you want something?

[Spanish on TV]

- Don't be mad. - I waited for three hours for you.

I had to use a month's worth of lunch money to pay for that room.

It's not my fault. Juanita hasn't let me out of her sight.

- Really? Well, I don't see her now. - She's watching her Mexican soap opera.

The rebel's virgin daughter is about to be seduced by the escaped desperado.

So until she puts out, Juanita won't even know that I'm gone.

Come on. I said I was sorry.

Just so you know, I've turned down half the pep-squad for you.

You can't be serious.

I'm starting to think that... maybe I should be with someone my own age.

I thought teenage girls bored you, John.

- I thought what we had was beyond that. - So did I.

Why go back to something you don't want?

- I don't know. - Maybe you're tired of me.

No. I want to be with you.

Then why are we arguing?

- [Juanita] Gabrielle! - Damn it!

- The virgin gave it up already? - I want you so bad.

- When can I see you again? - Tomorrow.

Meet me at the mall after school.

- What about your mother-in-law? - I'll think of something.


virgin [ˈvɜ:dʒɪn] n. 处女 adj. 处女的;纯洁的;未经利用的,处于原始状态的 {cet6 ky :4131}

soap [səʊp] n. 肥皂 vt. 将肥皂涂在……上;对……拍马屁(俚语) vi. 用肥皂擦洗 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :4288}

charm [tʃɑ:m] n. 魅力,吸引力;魔力 vt. 使陶醉;行魔法 vi. 有魔力;用符咒 {cet6 ky ielts gre :4348}

damn [dæm] n. 一点;诅咒 vt. 谴责;罚…下地狱 adj. 可恶的 adv. 非常 vi. 谴责 int. 讨厌 {cet6 ky gre :4414}

bored [bɔ:d] v. 使厌烦(bore的过去式);烦扰 adj. 无聊的;无趣的;烦人的 {gk :4569}

screwed [skru:d] adj. 螺丝状的;用螺丝拧紧的;喝醉了的 v. 用螺丝拧紧(screw的过去式) { :4750}

ls [elz] abbr. 激光系统(Laser System);发射场(Launch Site);限位开关(Limit Switch);信号电平开关(Level Switch) { :4865}

disguise [dɪsˈgaɪz] n. 伪装;假装;用作伪装的东西 vt. 掩饰;假装;隐瞒 {cet4 cet6 ky ielts gre :5545}

jealous [ˈdʒeləs] adj. 妒忌的;猜疑的;唯恐失去的;戒备的 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :5696}

whistle [ˈwɪsl] n. 口哨;汽笛;呼啸声 vt. 吹口哨;鸣汽笛 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts gre :6463}

karl [kɑ:l] n. 卡尔(男子名,等于Charles) { :6663}

flirting [flə:tɪŋ] n. 打情骂俏 v. 打情骂俏(flirt的ing形式);玩弄;摆动 adj. 调情的 { :8036}

pisses [pisiz] n. 尿( piss的名词复数 ) v. 撒尿( piss的第三人称单数 ); 倾盆而下 { :8297}

seduced [siˈdju:st] vt. 引诱;诱惑;诱奸;怂恿 { :8606}

HO [hәu] int. 呵;引人注意;表示惊讶 n. (Ho)人名;(柬)霍 { :9281}

trustworthy [ˈtrʌstwɜ:ði] adj. 可靠的;可信赖的 {toefl ielts gre :13072}

Frome [ ] n. 弗罗姆(姓氏, 英国地名) { :13461}

hygienic [haɪˈdʒi:nɪk] adj. 卫生的,保健的;卫生学的 { :20066}

Gophers [ˈɡəufəz] n. 囊地鼠( gopher的名词复数 ) { :22622}

LF [ ] [计] 换行, 低频 [医] 絮凝单位, 絮凝限度 { :30107}

desperado [ˌdespəˈrɑ:dəʊ] n. 亡命之徒,暴徒 {gre :31130}

daughter-in-law ['dɔ:tər ɪn lɔ:] n. 儿媳妇

gotta [ˈgɒtə] n. (Gotta)人名;(意)戈塔 adv. 必须(等于have got to)

mother-in-law ['mʌðər ɪn lɔ:] n. 岳母;婆母

screw-ups [ ] (screw-up 的复数) n. 一团糟, 乱七八糟

a mess [ ] [网络] 一团糟;混乱;乱七八糟

a sweet [ ] [网络] 糖果;一道甜点

at the mall [ ] [网络] 逛街购物;在购物街;在购物中心

bat your eyes [ ] [网络] 抛媚眼

be jealous [bi: ˈdʒeləs] [网络] 吃醋;眼红;吃干醋

be mad [ ] [网络] 生气

damn it [dæm it] [网络] 该死;可恶;该死的

Damn it ! [ ] [俚语]该死!见鬼!他妈的!糟了!真气死人!(表示焦躁)

in disguise [ ] na. 假装的;伪装的 [网络] 乔装;假象;假扮

nail down [neil daun] 用钉子钉住(某物); 迫使(某人)作出决定,讲明意图[采取行动]; 钉牢

piss me off [ ] [网络] 气死我了;我给惹火了;惹怒我

screw up [skru: ʌp] na. 拧紧;钉上;卷成螺丝状;扭歪(嘴,脸等) [网络] 弄糟;搞砸;搞砸了

so busy [ ] [网络] 如此繁华;如此繁忙;非常繁忙图片

soap opera [səup ˈɔpərə] n. 肥皂剧 [网络] 连续剧;电视剧;泡沫剧

The Mall [ ] [网络] 林荫大道;林荫路;购物中心

The Virgin [ ] [网络] 处女;处女啦;处女座

tire of [ˈtaiə ɔv] v. 厌烦 [网络] 厌倦;对…厌烦;对……感到厌烦

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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